The MIDI preferences window is where you can setup your MIDI inputs and outputs.

  • MIDI Inputs:
    • Name: The name of the MIDI input device
    • Ports: The ports which you would like to route the MIDI input device to. Can have multiple selected ports.
    • Input Light: When recieving a MIDI input on the device, the light will blink to let you know it is active.
  • MIDI Outputs:
    • Name: The name of the MIDI output device
    • Ports: The ports you would like to route to the MIDI output device. Can have multiple selected ports.
    • Output Light: When sending MIDI to the output device, this will blink to let you know it is active.
  • Canvas MIDI Commands
    • Fire: Fires the currently queued canvas.
    • Stop: Stops all currently playing canvases.
    • Previous: Goes to the previous queued canvas trigger.
    • Next: Goes to the next queued canvas trigger.